
By champignons

The saga of James and the giant boob

Mr nut loves dressing up. Every day is dressing up day to him...unless it's a school day. he does not like non-uniform day. wizards day was ok because I made him a Jedi robe but tomorrow is Roald Dahl day and he just wanted the day off

I suggested his fox outfit
But his teacher last year suggested it was a bear. The outrage.
I suggested Mike tv
'But you wear your cowboy outfit everywhere anyway!'
'Only to places with Cows!!' He wails.

Finally I came up with a plan. A cunning plan. I would dress him up normally, and let him take in an orange helium balloon. It would float, as if carried aloft by seagulls. Everyone would know who he was without dressing up or effort on my part. Genius.

Sadly, they don't have orange balloons, even at Halloween, because it 'doesn't sell' (possibly because they don't have them it's not like balloons go off) but the nut wanted a punch balloon anyway because he doesn't care about facts like flying seagulls. So I got a fluorescent orange punch balloon. From poundland. It was all I could find.

As I inflated it, it became more and more transparent
Also, the elastic band fell off revealing what can only be described as a nipple
I blew on.
Until I realised I had not made a giant peach. Oh no. Not me. My beautiful plan has gone horribly wrong.

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