Waste not, want not

My mum would have been proud of me - Mr C brought in loads of windfall apples so I set to, peeling, chopping, discarding bad bits, then cooked them, (without sugar of course!) in the microwave. We'll eat them with our morning muesli, and freeze some.

In the afternoon I worked on my Blurb book of our trip. I'm up to the end of the first week, which means I'm almost a sixth done. I'm using my blip journal,as an aide memoir - usually I write a diary but this trip was so full on I didn't have time.

Mr C is in luck - I've lost my voice! I feel a bit bleh which is a pest as I'm off on a spa day with the daughters tomorrow, then #3 daughter is coming for a bit her of half term with Ella and Nathaniel. I hope I have the energy to enjoy their fun.

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