A Day Of Rest?

PD was dropped off this morning and I was not happy.
His owners have a new car --- the one I want and should have had by now (if Police Scotland had got their fingers out of their arses and paid up the money that the courts say they have to for incorrect pension rates).
That is 2 houses and a car that I have liked and The Captain has bought so far.
I'm not sure how, or when - but revenge will be mine!

The was nice light on the autumn leaves on our walk this morning.
We stopped off at Bags house to drop off the gifts we had brought back and found that they all had food poisoning  (from their friends in Germany ........ a nice parting gift).
The Cygnet went to the speech therapist and there was projectile vomiting all across the office ....... lovely!

The beech trees have some super colour with the light shining through and this Rowan has a lovely shade of berry.

We got a begging phone call asking if we could come and give the kids their tea, bath them and put them to bed in the late afternoon.
Bags & son-in-law had gone downhill and were not able to manage.

Not a great end to their holiday.

We will see how the monsters are when we got round in the morning - they may not be going to school.

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