Mr John

By MrJohn

A bare bear.....

..... In the woods

My 100th blip!

I had said I wanted to avoid a nude self-portrait for my blip today, but someone suggested if I made it dark and out of focus it could be tasteful ( I think I failed on that last part ). Something I've always wanted to try was light painting, so today was the day and here is the result.

I have to thank my friend Kevin for loaning me a DSLR for this shot and Mrluc for assisting me in taking the photo in the woods in the early hours of this morning. Despite wearing my blipday suit of a red balloon he has seen sights today that I'm sure are going to traumatise him for years to come. I don't have the software or knowhow to merge images together, so this was taken in one long exposure ( in more ways than one ) with me running around the woods naked flashing LED pens covered in quality street wrappers like some strange piece of performance art. Luckily I avoided using the LED lights in the shape of pigs and bumble bees I'd bought that make the appropriate noises when lit up.

What can I say about blip ? I had wanted to do some sort of photo a day project for a while when Reddleman mentioned this site to me, I signed up that very day. On my second blip I was warned how addictive blipping is but by then it was too late, I was hooked. Everything in life is now a bippertunity. I now always carry my phone with me switched to the camera setting so that I don't miss a single photo opportunity. My first 99 blips were all taken on my phone but I have now bought myself a new compact camera which I will try and use for the next 99. Hopefully by the time my 200th blip comes around I will have decided which DSLR to buy myself.

One of the things that has surprised me most about blip is how much I enjoy the journal side of it. Before blip I never wrote much, now it's hard to stop me. Much of the time my blips are more about the words than the images and despite my appalling spelling and grammar I type away merrily and never seem to struggle to find something that has happened that day to write about.

The best part of Blip though has to be you lot . I love visiting your journals and am constantly discovering amazing new ones all the time. I find myself regularly crying tears of laughter at the funny and witty write ups and comments and occasionally cry like a baby shed the odd manly tear at the sadder ones. I constantly find I have to read out blip journals to friends, family and work colleges because they are just too good not to be shared. You take photos that have me awestruck and inspire me to try and improve my own photography skills. I enjoy the long ( and often pun filled, or just pure filth ) conversations I have with some blippers ( you know who you are ) and even get sent some lovely blip post. I have only met a few of you in person so far and after seeing the photo above I expect I won't be meeting too many more, but if I promise to wear some clothes hopefully I will get to see a few of you at a blip meeting soon.

A huge thank you to those of you who comment on my journal regularly , I really appreciate it and look forward to your comments. Thanks to all the occasional visitors and to those who very kindly give stars and faves . I've even hit the Spotlight a couple of times and wore a tiny yellow crown for one week - those little things really make my day !

Last but not least, thanks to all the folk at blip central for making this site happen, although I still feel it may have been an admin error to take that Learner icon away from me after only 10 blips. ;-)

I'm looking forward to my next 100 blips now and to seeing all of yours as well. Bring it on....

I feel there may be a few frequently asked questions about the photo above, so here are the FAQ answers.

1, Yes they do and no I didn't

2, A water bomb balloon would have been more than sufficient.

3, A sock and double sided sticky tape

4, An owl.

5, A glow in the dark rabbit night light

6, A strict training diet of cakes and pasties.

So today's 100th blip is .....

..... A bare bear in the woods.

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