Fluvial wanderings

By leifembertson

Sullivan Creek - Confluence logjams

We have a bit of a guest appearance on this photo blog from Kelvin Andrews but the perspective was just so cool I thought I had to share.

NSD was involved with design and construction of these logjams in 2014 for Seattle City Light on Sullivan Creek. Sullivan Creek is a tributary to the Pend Orielle River near the US and Canada Border. To improve habitat conditions for brook trout and other aquatic species SCL pursued a project to construct 2 logjams in the lower creek to create pool habitat, cover, and increase channel complexity. 1-year post construction the logjams are looking great and even created a multiple/split channel network almost doubling the usable habitat area in this reach.

Look to see a lot more pictures from Sullivan Creek as there is a big big project in the works that will completely re-shape the conditions within the lower 10miles of the creek channel.

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