An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Good Old British Summer Time!!

Why can we never get two good days in a row?! This time yesterday D was sitting there with a beer and a car mag enjoying the sunshine.....not much chance of that today!

Apart from the odd exciting break to put a washing in the washing machine or empty the dishwasher, I have spent the entire day trying to choose my panel of 10 photos for my OU end of course assignment. Deadline two weeks today but we're advised to get it done early. It is driving me mad!

Although I have learned some technical stuff on the course and have a better understanding of how my camera works, I can't honestly say it has made me a better photographer (perhaps that will come with time but again not sure if I will have the course to thank if it does). If anything it has kind of sucked the creativity out of me and with it some of the enjoyment of taking photographs.

It has definitely made me more critical of my work leading to some frustration and disatisfaction with my shots. I suppose I feel I am taking photos "for" some faceless person, the Accessor, rather than for my own pleasure and I think I resent it slightly. I will be glad when it's all over.

Maybe I'm over-thinking the whole thing and should just bloody well get on with it!

Anyhooo time to get the dinner on and be back later to try again to catch up with you all.

Thank you for the lovely welome back and your lovely gladden my heart! :) xxx

A wee song ;-))

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