Scary Guizer

It was a dull, windy and wet start to the day but it dried up for an overcast day.  It's calmed down this evening and clear skies :) 

I spent the morning in the museum office, scanning more old photos and processing some photo orders.  The afternoon was down on the museum desk.  It was a fairly quiet afternoon but plenty to be getting on with.  After work, I nipped over to Scalloway to decorate the pub for Halloween.  A quiet night at home and save myself for the Halloween parties tomorrow :)

Sitting at home, minding my own business, and then a headless dentist walked into my house!!  First thoughts, I was going to be murdered but thankfully, she only wanted sweeties :)  We went next door to snap this photo of niece Elise to get the moon in and if you look at the corner of my house, you'll spy Sammy running for his life :) Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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