Friday Foto

By drmackem

Ivan The Torch Bearer

Despite the rain, I went down to Harriers tonight, fancying something off road and up a big hill.

Arriving a little late to see Pastor Ivan receive a cheque for the project he runs in Uganda, I spotted a photo opeorunity with the arrival for our inspection of the Olympic Torch.

Ivan is officially the nicest bloke on the planet, he's funny, charming, gracious, humble, caring and a visionary. The work done over the last decade in Matugga under his supervision transforms lives, with schooling for hundreds, a farm, care and metnorship for orphans("Champions"), free health care and a new vocational skills centre. My eldest two kids went out there last summer, they had a ball and caught something of his generosity and passion for life.

If there were medals for how we live our lives, he'd be a gold medal favourite.

Whilst not the best photo technically, this is a special photo for me of a friend who inspires me.

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