Feeling “pinked out” in more ways than one - I went to bed yesterday afternoon not feeling well (the reason for no comments yesterday) and still don’t feel 100% this morning, but things needed to be done, so I am up and about and wanted to get my blip done early. 

I know there is a saying that “less is more” but I definitely think that is untrue - “more is more” so I wandered around the house looking for things that were pink - and I wasn’t disappointed - I did buy the ribbon to go with this blip - but everything else was around.

I think that we have succeeded in bringing Breast Cancer Awareness Month to the forefront of Blip - and I hope that both women and men will continue to be vigilant so that hopefully we can eradicate breast cancer - and all other cancers - from our world.

So for anyone out there reading this, who is going through treatment for breast cancer, I dedicate this blip and quote to you.  Bless you all.

“We shall draw 
     from the heart of suffering itself 
          the means of inspiration 
               and survival.” 
Winston Churchill

Please continue to click on this link so that those who cannot afford to pay for a mammogram can have one free.  Thank you so much for every click you have made in the last month - and you don’t need to stop - why not put a reminder on your calendar to do at least two or three clicks every month - after all, mammograms are needed all year round!

P.S.  Tomorrow is Derelict Sunday - with the tag DS2.

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