
By wingpig


Didn't get a lens today. Looked round all the shops but didn't test anything. Bought two books for £3 instead. Wandered round lots. Took lots of pictures of things with the 50mm seeing how close it can get. Ended up with lots of blurry pics due to subject movement in the wind, the shallow DoF at shorter distances and the large apertures required in the half-light of the afternoon. No further forward in working out what to get even though I didn't encounter anything today for which a longer focal length than my current maximum 70mm would have been handy. I'm thinking that getting the cheap 70-210 now would be good forward planning for the summer and the festival when there's sufficient light and enough people wandering around in it to make 210mm @ f/5.6 a handy thing to have even if I haven't really missed telecapability much over the last two months.

I think I'll wait until the end of the week at least as I may then have a little more cash to play with* following our annual bonus announcement. In the meantime I'll try and stop thinking about it and just try and take pictures. If I just try and take a picture but am unable to for whatever reason I shall try and remember and bear it in mind. If I just happen to walk past a camera shop window at lunchtime I expect I might stop and stare into it for a moment too.

*A lot of the dithering has to do with Nicky's opinion of new bits for the camera. I even took her past the secondhand lens shop on Sunday to demonstrate how hard the choice is but she described this as "walking two miles out of the way to go to a shut shop" and then went to a furnishings shop instead of looking through the window with me. As I've just worked 43¼ overtime hours last month I thought I was being quite considerate by not just steaming out and buying stuff :¬|

Back to work tomorrow. Hopefully there'll be no nasty surprises in my email inbox. I'll take two muffins in case there are.

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