from the front, with everyone watching

Although it is extremely unlikely that anything could ever happen which could enable my handlebar-mounted cycle-cam to pay for itself it at least made itself properly useful this morning in recording the relatively calm and considered behaviour of a minibus whose driver had attempted to run at least two cyclists off the road on two known occasions. Despite being slowed down to cycling-speed by some cars in front, no attempt was made to overtake them with mere inches to spare and the minibus was not used to try and force them into the kerb. Yesterday it recorded someone who'd missed the stop line at a junction subsequently fiddling with a mobile whilst moving, entering a bus lane and failing to notice that the bus lane contained some cyclist, though from the relatively light pressure and lack of scraping noises it must have been my pannier that he nudged. Now that I know that my laptop can handle the basic video editing software I've been using I might get around to registering it in order to get rid of the watermark it applies, though it's really quite small and non-bothersome compared to the screen-wide thing that the trial version of Premiere Elements applied.

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