Fraggle Rock

By frisky

Love Music

"On the underground with the freaks and frowns, looking at the world through silver clouds - but then it all came down. I’ve got to rise above the emotional flood. I’ve got to cut these ropes around my hands - Pull myself around

How come it ended up like this?
And who’s gonna be there when I’ve lost control I’m heading to crashland"

So far music has saved me more than I care to mention. From a tough time in life being forgotten during a gig, or a very dark day in my head being uplifted by the sudden appearance of a random song on my iPod. The above is an excerpt from a song (Feeder - Just A Day), head was clouded and getting dark today - Luckily this song came on and made me realise that I have an abundance of people there when I crashland... All ready to support me and get me back on the right path.

Thank you - You know who you are

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