Man, Mountain or Fish

By StevieFish

Don't Panic!

Well that's what we're told by the 'hitchhikers guide' however what should you do when your own version of said guide dies? that's what happened to me and my shiny new ipod touch - not even three months old yet - it flashed its glossy, sexy screen brightly once and died. dead.

I tried coaxing it back to life, I even tried threats of violence but to no avail. at long last I dug out the manual and proceeded to give it the digital kiss of life.

"hold down power and home for at least six seconds"
"you should see the apple icon"
"connect to your mac and start iTunes"
check, and check
"restore factory settings"
ummmm, oh, ok. check
"your iPod could not be restored. Error code 1604"
WTF? nononono!

At this point I should have been getting ready to catch a bus to work (my bike died last week and I need to take it in to get repaired... see a pattern emerging here?).

One last time. I'll try it one last time...

That's when I got this shot.

When the debugger starts to panic what chance does the rest of us have?

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