Reflecting back

After a holiday in a new location  I like to be highly selective and choose around 36 images which I think are interesting and create an online album plus order a book usually. There are so many companies out there with free software that allows anyone with a little bit of computer savvy to do this. 
The album in the picture  was created in Albelli's downloadable software although you can work online, if preferred. I like working offline because it gives me access to all my pictures without having to upload - all uploading is done at the end when everything is complete and checked over.

These candid street scenes were taken in the beautiful French town of Aix en Provence in September. The album can be viewed on Albelli's site and there is a full screen button which is not available with all companies. That's something to consider if you want to share your album with friends and family  online. This discipline also helps me clear out all the dross rather than choke up my hard drive with pictures that I'll never look at again.

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