Another grey day.

It was such a dreich* day it has been today. The only highlight for me was the fact that Maly was bundled off to the vet this morning and not me - hehe! He is to stop his current medication, an anti inflammatory, and start on a steroid tablet in a couple of days. Hopefully this will help his fur grow back.

Swannie didn't take any cat pictures today, and I know you will be disappointed not to see me and my friends, but she did take this one of a line of trees in the mist this morning. Not the best photo but you can see what a miserable day it has been, lots of love, Daisy. xx

* a combination of dull, overcast, drizzly, cold, misty and miserable weather. At least four of the above adjectives must apply before the weather is truly drench. (The Urban Dictionary).

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