David J. Rose

By djrose007

Nearly finished

After a month of work we have cleared the weeds (ok, I know they'll keep coming back!), planted Tomatoes, Runner Beans, Sweet Potatoes, White Potatoes, Capsicum (Sweet Pepper), strawberries and there's also Garlic, Spinach and Onions that Johanna planted in the autumn and raspberries from the previous owner.
Seeds that we've planted include Swede, Carrots, Parsnips, Beetroot, Spring Onions, and in the herb garden there's basil, sage, parsley, chives, coriander and something else but can't remember now!

This photo is from the top of the allotment, the bin, chairs and table belong to our neighbour allotmentee (just made up a word I think).

So, it's been a very busy month but a very satisfying month. That big bare patch should be shooting up as it's all planted with seeds, maybe a bit late for some but we'll see what happens.
Weather hasn't helped of course but it's amazing the amount of time we've spent down there over the past 4 weeks.

Jonty and Foxy don't like going very much, bit boring for them as they aren't allowed in the allotments so they are restricted to the area around the shed, or that bricked area at the front of the photo. The rectangle is the herb garden.
The bricks are a small number of the 600 we picked up from 'Freegle', there's a load more around the shed and still a few left for a bit of a patch somewhere. Freegle is brilliant, I even got an old petrol mower that was a bit rough but runs well and after a clean up and sharpening the blade it is incredibly handy.

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