
By LightWave

Someone's Been Busy

I'm sure this tree was standing upright a couple of days ago.

Weather very unsettled today -  warm and windy - we were promised thunderstorms and we more or less got one. I didn't want to venture too far from home in case I got caught in a second downpour.

This is the work of beavers of course. They are getting ready for the winter which means storing all sorts of saplings and small trees for nibbling over the next few months. The path that they have made from the beaver pond across the trail to tasty morsels such as these on the other side has evolved into a veritable highway. Also the trail is in danger of being flooded, and I fear that the village might decide that these animals are due for relocation (probably to the big beaver pond in the sky). Which would be a real shame of course.

I should mention that I haven't actually seen the beavers for quite some time. They are largely nocturnal, but also their lodge is well off the trail and on private land. Much as I would like to stake them out, it's bow hunting season and probably dangerous to wander in the woods. I'd hate to end up a trophy with my head stuck on someone's wall.

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