
By shropsiren

"How are you?"

Had a leisurely morning in Nairobi today, with a bit of shopping and hot chocolate consumption thrown in before heading back to Gilgil early afternoon. This time we didn't take the dirt road adventure route like we did yesterday to get to Nairobi. I spent a couple of hours at the orphanage getting my fix of happiness this afternoon. As I hadn't had a workout for two days I decided to walk to and from the orphanage, and with the walking I did whilst I was there I covered well over 5 miles for the day according to my phone app. The locals think I'm mad walking, as it would only cost me about 30 pence to get a ride on the back of a boda boda motorbike. However, the walk is a joy as I get to pass hundreds of young children on the way who all wave and shout out the phrase "HOW ARE YOU?" in their sweet little voices. It is clearly the first phrase of English they get taught. At one point in the walk I had 6 children walking with me all trying to hold my hand. 
Today's picture is of a beautiful little girl from the orphanage who has enormous saucer sized eyes (yes I know the picture doesn't show that). Some time ago she was involved in a tragic accident which resulted in her suffering terrible burns to both of her hands. She has since spent a lot of time in hospital and undergone several operations. She has more operations to go over the next few years. Despite all she has been through she is a happy little girl who loves to have attention and a cuddle, of course I can't resist when she flashes her cheeky smile at me. Today she spent most of the time wandering round the orphanage with her holding onto my hand.

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