A Blip of Beautiful Baby Brynn's Baptism

I was raised in a church (The Church of Christ) that believed in baptism at the age of knowing...knowing what you were getting yourself immersed in.

So, I was a little out of my comfort zone sitting through the Catholic mass this morning that highlighted our grand-niece Brynn Nicole's baptism.

But, it was a very nice service, especially the parts of the service with baby Brynn in them.

A couple of things surprised me about the ceremony. 1. I was surprised that they stripped her naked. 2. Where I came from, baptism meant a thorough dunking...with EVERY body part going under. Today, Father Pat dunked her little bare baby butt into the water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost...and that was that.

A special wee baby, a special ceremony, and a special day.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/albums/72157660925103206 See some more shots of the baptism on Flickr. It's the only time the camera got out of its bag today.

The parents were proud, the grandparents were beaming, and all of the rest of the family and friends were supportive.

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