Outcrop on the High Weald.

With my walking group on the High Weald Landscape Trail. There are 7 of us - a congenial group led by my sister who decides what long distance footpath project we will do next. At the moment its the HWLT in Sussex. Very beautiful, but rather muddy today*. We walked through West Hoathly where there is a garage stuffed full of vintage Rolls and Packards. I was the only one to press my face against the window. None of the others were interested. How can you not be fascinated by old cars?!

In the winter months the lunch stop takes on greater importance so that rather than the summer time picnic we seek out gastro pubs. This Sunday it was The Gardners Arms at Ardingly. Really good with all of us having Sunday roast with one dissenter going for the fish and chips. 

The indicators on my car packed up so it made for an interesting drive home.

And then Downton. Poor Edith. Will she have a happy ending in the Christmas special?

*What do you expect in November? Ed. 

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