Rodents rule

By squirk

Cling-on on the starboard bough

Squirrel junior happily dangled by the back paws shortly after I'd filled the feeders. The sparrows didn't get a peck. This squirrel's tail is relatively short so I think it's one of this year's brood.

No Skinny fox this morning, but the feeder-filling summoned a fearless ginger cat who found guinea pig TV when he snuck into the kitchen. He didn't mind a shoogle in return.

Fred's on holiday so he kept an eye on the cat visitors (Ginger stayed a while but was usurped by Moon Cat around 10.30). He reported that an expectant fox, whom he thought was neither Skinny nor Bushy-Black, appeared around midday.

Yesterday, Fred and I wanted to see Sceptre, but Fred bought two tickets for tonight by mistake. Monday night is half price so we stuck with it. I was skeptical that I'd get to Brixton from the Strand in half an hour, but I did it, and I was at the cinema before himself who's on holiday and had all day to get there.

We enjoyed the Star Wars trailer, especially the loud gasp from a fellow cinema-goer when he realised what it was. Sceptre was fun. It's a Bond film so it is what it is - entertaining and silly. This is a particularly fine film due to Bond being helped by a rodent. Top marks to the mouse.

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