Great Reading

Our little selection of 'good reads' that welcomes people into the shop. Not sure if it works with the mindset of the second hand bookshop customer. Do they want to feel they have discovered something on the shelves, rather than having it brought to their attention? We had a half-day today, not opening up until after lunch. We took the opportunity to visit some of the other shops - notably the community-run charity shop (is that an idea for Porty or maybe there already is one and I just haven't noticed?) and The Old Bank Bookshop where Joyce and Ian were most hospitable. We heard tales of their more than ten years in the place and how the shop has slowly built up over that time. It looks great now and well worth a visit for anyone in the area. Lots of sheet music too, in the back room, as well as all the books. We managed a few more sales today and someone dropped off some 'community shopping' loyalty cards which aim to encourage people to shop locally in November. Every time you buy in one of the shops on the card you get a stamp and with enough stamps you get an entry in a prize draw for a Christmas hamper. Sounds like a neat little idea at a quiet time of year, and other thing I wonder if they do in Porty and if not, why not?

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