Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan


Happy blipday to us!!

I must admit being blip-silent over the past couple of weeks due to this milestone. I didn't want it to be an average day to day blip (a phone picture most probably) but I couldn't think what to do. Whilst attempting today's minithursdaychallenge of upside down (I did get a few actually) Amelie decided to take matters into her own hands and a pretend birthday was her plan. Along with pretend cake, of course.

So 500 blips later, we are definitely in a low blip point but I'm hoping to feel a little more inspired soon :)

In other news, we had a suspected case of chicken pox here (after she was exposed to it 2 weeks ago) but it seems to have come to nothing although A is definitely not right, night sweats and general misery, so either pox is on its way or its some virus.

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