I had to chuckle.

NO, not at the Church - at Steve Wright.
He's forever amusing me.
One of his oddities is - In the same way as the French have "Tu" & "Vous" for singular/familiar & plural/formal, Steve has his version:-
If addressing one person he uses "You"
If there is a "group" in excess of 2, it's "Yous".

His main gem today was "There's NOBODY called 'Glossop' is there?"
I haven't bothered to check, but I'll bet there is.

Mam's Maiden name was Berwick, not that she was ever "on Tweed".
There's a Tallentire's Garage, nowhere near the village of that name.
We had a customer name of Ticehurst ...
Turned out there's a village of that name, somewhere.
Not to mention Alan Tichmarsh, and no doubt many more if I really looked.

I wonder if he refuses to acknowledge the existence of either David, or June? June, incidentally, turned 90 on Armistice day this year.

Behold Holy Trinity Church at "Whitfield".
They also have their own War Memorial. Next time past I may try & remember to count their fallen.

I have very carefully and diligently, "driven" all around that area on Google© Maps - there's no village to be seen, just a few roads which I had to "Fly" over due to the fact that their Camera car had not been down any of them
There was a Whitfield Estate Office, so without investigating I'm going to hazard a guess that, in days of yore, the collection of scattered Farms had sufficient workforce to merit both an Estate church and man Power for "The Great War".

Curiosity got the better of me - At "The internet Surname Database" I found thusly ...

"Last name: GlossopThis unusual and interesting name is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and is a locational surname deriving from the place called Glossop, in Derbyshire. ............."

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