Journey Through Time

By Sue

Better Flicker

This is a better image than the Flicker I took last week or so. These images are taken through a window.  Opening the door would have scared them away for sure.  It was kind of fun watching two flickers take turns in the birdbath and then a red-breasted sap sucker came also.  I put that image in the Extra Photos.  

Bill came down with a cold which began with coughing.  His voice went to the cellar, but he doesn't feel too bad, although a bit achy today. It's supposed to be a heavy rain day on Saturday and we are thinking it might not be a good idea for us to travel to Corvallis to the memorial service.  So, that's something we are taking into consideration.  Bill just can't see to drive comfortably in the dark rainy days and nights,( I am not much better at it), and I don't think we should expose my 90 year old stepdad to Bill's cold if we stay overnight with them.  This should have been an easy thing to do...go to a memorial service on Saturday....and now it's turned into complications.  Such is life, I guess.

Take care.

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