Colourful tribute

Full marks to Testwood Sports College which has put on this commendable and colourful show of clay poppies on a roundabout on a busy road junction in the centre of the Hampshire town of Totton.
The College says it was inspired by the unforgettable sea of poppies at the memorial to commemorate the centenary of the First World War at the Tower of London last year.
The result has been this display in the heart of the Hampshire town which took shape in the days leading up to Remembrance Day, and still forms a poignant memorial after November 11 to those from the town who lost their lives in wartime. The poppies in red, blue, yellow and green are planted all round the central island of the roundabout
The College's website records that it was the College's art department which took up the task of making, firing, spray painting and eventually planting 642 clay poppies to represent every student at the College.
The College liaised with the local branch of The British Legion in preparation for the day for remembrance and the planting of the clay poppies.
The College records its action on the website with the words: "We are honoured to respectfully commemorate the fallen in the respective World Wars, in our own appreciative way and we are overwhelmed by the genuine out pouring of affection from the public in response to our humble memorial."

Full marks to the College!

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