
By astudyinscarlet


i had a few ideas today for pix cos it was quieter than it has been for a while, then took this. it looked great on the 2in screen, but is rather less sharp than i thought. oh well. too tired to do owt else. maybe i'll get it right another time.


how come he doesn't even have the guts to say 'i don't want to talk to you right now' if that's what he feels? the more i think about it the more i think i've been played for a long time. i want the face-to-face chat that was promised because i want to say all this and yeah, see him feel bad about how utterly awful he's made me feel.

once it's out there, it's dealt with, done - we fight and move on is how we've always been. i thought i knew where we were moving to - and i know where i want to be moving to - but the ground keeps shifting under my feet. but i can't let go, can't go forward until it's acknowledged rather than pushed aside.



EDIT: unexpected after midnight IM'ing - 30 mins of what's been going on and i calm down. stupid sod closes down to deal, but then doesn't say that's what he needs to do for a while. doesn't mention that he's got a lot to deal with and finding it a bit tough and then gets frustrated at me for trying to get him to talk like a human person but still says nothing! *tch*

he's been dipping in here, apparently - 'uncomfortable', says he; 'i bet', says i (thinking: 'tough! it's how i feel!'). fingers crossed yet again...

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