Tarawera Times

By Megl

Another little interest!

Had planned a quieter day, catching up on so many things including the vegetable garden which seems to have weeds growing as fast a vegetable plants.

But had a ring at 8.30 from a girl who is involved with the Rotorua Arts Village co-operative gallery. She had approached me at the Spring Fair about becoming a member and displaying my work. The gallery was struggling and the display and sort of work in it was more like a bazaar, so they had decided to restructure it all and new display stands with glass shelves were donated by the local museum.
Anyway she rang to see if it would be possible to bring some work in today as they were in the throes of setting up displays before re-opening tomorrow. So my plans went west and spent the morning getting organised and all afternoon lending a hand. Still more new work is due in, but already it is looking really good...this is one corner. It means working in the shop several times a month for three hours, which I think could be quite enjoyable, so will see how it all goes.

Anyway having been feeling rather bad as for the last few weeks have hardly been able to comment, so have decided to turn off comments for awhile until I catch up.....although will still be keeping an eye on everyone! But I am determined to keep putting my daily photo up....it really is rather addictive!

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