Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

A Winter's Tale

Northern Broadsides are probably my favourite theatre company and I've seen many of their productions over the last 20 years or so. I'd go so far as to say that their interpretations of Shakespeare's plays are the best I've ever seen. So I was excited to take Spokes along to The Playhouse today to see the company perform 'The Winter's Tale'. I studied the play as part of my 'A' Level English course but hadn't really encountered it since so I'd been looking forward to reacquainting myself with it and I was really glad I did!

Directed by, and starring (as Leontes), Conrad Nelson, the production was gripping in an almost Scandi-noir style during Act 1 (set in Sicilia) and rip-roaringly rumbustious in Act 2 (set in Bohemia). The whole cast was excellent and their singing, musicianship and dancing were a treat too. Particular praise must go to Hannah Barrie as Hermione, Ruth Alexander-Rubin as Paulina and Michael Hugo as Autolycus - the last of whom seemed to be channeling Liam Gallagher one moment and Tony Curtis in 'Some Like it Hot' the next - all entirely within character, I hasten to add.

The infamous 'Exit, pursued by a bear' stage direction was adhered to with the help of a cunning electronic projection - which gave the audience a chortle, as did some first-rate improv from Autolycus and the Clown when a bit of stage 'business' went wrong. I think Shakespeare would've appreciated it.

You can get a brief taste of the show here

The man in my photo has nothing at all to do with the play but he seemed suitably bleak and wintry!

I couldn't quite bring myself to link to David Essex singing 'A Winter's Tale' (you wouldn't have thanked me for it!) so here's Tom Waits with 'November' instead...

"November has tied me to an old dead tree
Get word to April to rescue me"

I know exactly how he feels!

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