High cirrus (Day 199)

The wander up the hill this morning was beautiful. One of those really cool, crisp mornings that comes up and bites you on the face whilst the strong sunshine does its best to render you blind. The dogs squirmed enthusiastically in the fresh snow that dusted the heather as I slithered up a path slick with ice.
Back home and I tackled a few jobs around the house before making the best of the weather and heading up Wideford Hill with the dogs. The snow lying on the road meant that the two vehicles in front of me couldn't make it up the hill, and I had to reverse downhill to allow them to get past. Once parked and out on the hill I wasn't sure where I should point the camera. It was stunning. I do like seeing Orkney in the snow, and the strange colour the sea takes on when there is snow around.
After the walk I trundled to town to collect my beautiful wife from her 24 hour shift at work.

If you have a minute, pop in for a look at Wheeliebloke's journal (that's me and him in his profile picture...)

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