Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


These jeans - before painting - belonged to my father as a young man. They fit me when I was 17 or 18, and a friend/bandmate painted them for me. I've not fit them at I think any point in the intervening years. This morning, after finding I've really shrunk a fair bit lately I decided to give it a rip, and was amazed that they just went straight on. However...

... You get the back view not only because I think the buttface is hilarious xP - the other reason is that the front remains slightly open, as despite not bearing children, my hips appear to have spread. Not euphemistically either: the waistband sits below the remnants of my spare tyre, so I don't think it's a fat thing. While on one hand that's good, on the other it means I'm just not going to get that waistband done up.

I might also mention that - while I have no idea who the buttface is supposed to represent - the dude portrayed on each leg is me. ;-)

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