
"If you can't make it, then fake it!"

I thought it would be a good opportunity to show you just how large these posters are by shooting one in a classroom.  Wondering now if sitting at your desk beside one of these could put you in a daydreaming mood.

Went to work, worked and worked and worked, went back home ... and am now working again.  The last pile of exams should be finished by tonight, possibly after a cup of tea and a short nap.  But maybe even before I tackle that last pile, I had better correct the fresh batch of new homework mailed to me today.

Yesterday evening, the police academy was in the news.  There is a funny saying here:  "Crime is already organized.  Now, it's the police's turn to get organized!"  Apparently it's a mess and the reorganization that had already been taking place when I left 3.5 years ago still hasn't jelled into something anyone can work with.  Anyway, the short docu made me pick up the phone and talk to an old colleague, the lovely P, with whom I'm still in touch (we meet once or twice a year for a good eat-out and gossip).  She's up to her hair with work as well and she, too, had just watched the docu.  We had a good laugh and agreed it was not the time to meet the way we are used to doing at this time of the year.  The current agreement is sometime at the end of January next year, while the First-Sem exams and re-sits are going on.  Something to look forward to, for sure!

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