Dalton in ???

I had a meeting today at the University of Manchester's Dalton facility, which, I assumed, would be in Dalton. So, I set off in good time, thinking I'd stop for a coffee on the way. I popped the post code into the satnav and it told me that I'd be there in just under two hours, which was about an hour longer than I'd anticipated!

It turned out that the Dalton facility was actually in Whitehaven! Thus I had a slightly more stressful - and caffeine-free - journey than anticipated, especially as the postcode delivered me to a country lane, which I would have thought was completely wrong except that I could see, suddenly, this huge futuristic blue building over the field.

A bit more driving around and I arrived, ten minutes late for the meeting. Fortunately, the chap I was seeing was on the phone to the Telegraph and was half an hour late. By the time he arrived in the meeting room, I was looking pretty composed and enjoying a second Americano :-)

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