Cliff edge (Day 204)

Those of you who read through the random drivel that accompanies my blips will have noticed that I have been mentioning Wheeliebloke. He has become a really good friend of mine since my beautiful wife introduced us a couple of years ago. A recent change in his circumstances has found him with a bit more time on his hands than usual. In an effort to get him out and about, I suggested he start blipping, and HV and I gave him a daily challenge. Yesterday, we challenged him to come up with a challenge we would all do today.
He chose "fear".
I found this pretty difficult to do. My fears are things that I would find very difficult to photograph as they are concepts rather than tangible things. I thought about things that others would be fearful of, and took a little time to make a trip to the cliffs at Yesnaby. Even on a day of very blustery winds, and with a big sea crashing into the cliffs, I am happier than most folks would be to stand at the edge of the cliff watching the breakers. I should be scared, but I am not. I get a strange sense of calm from just standing, watching. It is always good for me.
Today Yesnaby was deserted - the way I love it best. The colours in the sea were fabulous and I stood on the edge for a few minutes.

Perhaps I should have taken a picture of the ladder that lurks in the garage. I find being high up on a ladder utterly terrifying...

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