Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins


Evening all.

Well a quiet saturday has passed me by a little bit.

I have to say i'm impressed with this new gadget that Sony have come up with to help their customers with the cleaning of the lens, very thorough but a little slow.

I had initially hoped to employ him to give the car a bit of a clean this afternoon but the weather defeated him.

It is worth noting i have a hearty distrust for serial car washers, the ones who pop out at the first sign in a break in the clouds and feverishly begin scrubbing and soaping big hunks of metal until they've taken off two layers of dirt and three of flesh.

Can't they do something else, dont't they have tvs, or computers, or books, or bright shiny objects to distract them!!

They're barometers for bad weather too, they signal downpours and torrents of rain, my auntie used to have one of those weather houses where a girl would come out with a brolly if the weather was bad, and (probably) a man would come out with a chamois leather and a soapy bucket if the weather was good, stay for 30 seconds, then bugger off back inside as the storm began!

My daughter's best friend is sleeping over tonight, and they have spent the best part of an hour planning their respective dream weddings; have to say catering and music score very highly on their lists, type of man they want to marry seems to be much lower down the list, although one has put Italian, and one of them has written 'rich'!

Worryingly, further investigation proves these both to be on my wife's list as well....

night all

Depeche Mode

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