
By LoJardinier

Short-circuiting the supermarket

The display outside the 'Chez les Producteurs' shop more or less at the end of my road. As you see, there's a name of a producer for each product you buy, and I can tell you that the quality is excellent.
This idea of a 'short circuit' (court-circuit) between grower and customer is one promoted in France under the 2014 Loi d'Avenir pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et la foret, which recognised the principle of agroecology (see here). This should reduce transport costs, as well as the carbon-intensive use of artificial fertilisers and pesticides. It's a complex question how the legislation will play out given that the responsibility has been given to  the Regions to administer, but I can report that in my Region one farmer in six uses this method of distribution, and that the turnover of supermarkets is falling while that of open-air markets is increasing.

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