Wicken Fen

Stella & I went geocaching this morning while it was still dry but the location really wasn't suitable for stretching your legs much so we headed to Wicken afterwards. 

The weather was bracing but we had a good walk and even found an extra geocache! Then it rained. 

However, I've already reached my steps target today so may treat myself to something sweet after tea. Plus I did breakfast to lunch with no snacking so I've definitely earned it! :)

This afternoon my new electrician popped around to look at a couple of things I was hoping he'd fix before Christmas, he stopped there and then and didn't charge me either. Partly because he knows that once I get my decorating head on there'll be several jobs to do, partly because his mum thinks I'm lovely, and, partly because he can't guarantee how long the fix will work. For now I have light in my hallway so I'm happy. 

I also wanted the security light on my garage looking at as it stopped working though it isn't very old. We looked in the garage and he thought the wiring all looked good and fine, then went outside to make sure the light had rusted or anything.

Shone his torch and laughed, then said, "it's not working because there's no bulb in it!" I said how can a bulb disappear?! Then he said, "oh, the bulb's exploded into pieces inside there." If I wasn't a shortar$e I'd have spotted that myself! 

No spare but not urgent. The lights on the outside of the house work fine. 

So that was Saturday, time for a bubble bath before feet-up time :) 

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