Getting things done!

Today has been quite busy! After a slow and lazy start that is!

Brian finally finished the decorating - it's only taken him four months! He is now having a lie down to recover! Next will be my job - de-cluttering the room!

I have managed to get post ready for sending tomorrow, all my regular cards written and special family cards bought from town. Not cheap, even though I avoided he pricier shops!

It was dark when I came home from town and the Christmas lights were coming on. I am starting to feel the teensiest bit festive! The last few years I have been so busy I have hated the whole process. It just seemed like nothing but a bunch of extra chores that had to somehow be shoehorned into the schedule. Things are much better this year, and if I make any New Year Resolutions, one will be to carry on sticking to my guns with regard to saying No to any extras!

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