Spotty Wellies

Miss A was looking very stylish this morning!
We met Mrs Z, Mr K, Miss A and Mr H at Stowe and had a lovely walk in the gardens.
We battled the howling wind and threatening rain and walked miles - up hills, round lakes and across parkland.
Oh wait, no we didn't.
We walked down to the gates, sat in the nearest temple while the children played in a hollowed out tree, drank hot chocolate and then headed back up to the cafe.
But very nice to see them as ever.
We headed home for to watch the last set of the Davis Cup final. Woohoo!!!!!
And then argue about homework for an hour or so. Miss E couldn't do her spellings as her spelling book isn't here. 
Not one to be foiled I texted other mums and the lovely Mrs A emailed them over to me.
More fun and games in the morning I predict!!

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