An Afternoon Stroll with the Trolls........

....And Dog Food Day

Jaiya and I went out for a lovely lunch today...(without the kid) ... did a bit of Christmas shopping.... wrapped some of the kids pressies.....and dug out the tree....that was the good part.

Rumi is on a special diet so every couple of weeks I cook and mix...put into take away containers and freeze. I have been feeling a bit queasy the last few days...(.I think I picked up Flynns bug) the smell of kangaroo meat has a very particular smell...which I really don't like much....(actually any raw meat turns my tummy)....but it has to be done.
It was good to get to the beach for some fresh air...I took a lot of high key shots but in the end I liked this one.

Well that was a lot about nothing....I think I bored myself writing it.

“In the haunted house of life, art is the only stair that doesn't creak.” 
Tom Robbins


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