Menorcan Gin

What a day.  Very wet after a very cold and icy night.  One of my poor colleagues left her house this morning, slipped on black ice and has fractured her pelvis in two places.  We won’t see her for a while!  A couple of weeks ago another colleague slipped near the office and broke her ankle – we don’t expect to see her till the new year.  We also have another couple of colleagues off sick and another on a phased return after being off for a couple of months.  My boss has declared that no one else is allowed to be sick!! He also advised us all to be very careful – no more slips, trips or falls! So even though I am once again choked with the cold, I am at work and sharing my bugs with everyone.

A friend who was up in Edinburgh for a couple of days came for tea.  He brought BB a new book, a load of books (not new) for TT, some flowers and this bottle of gin for me.  He brought this back from holiday for a colleague (who had asked him to get it for her), she had one glass and declared she didn’t like it!  He asked for it back and gave it to me – as he knows I am quite partial to a gin and tonic.  I haven’t tried it yet, but I am looking forward to trying it out.

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