
By Realgrumpytyke

Blipfoto future

I'm still thinking about the blip ( 'message') about the future of blipfoto.
What do I think? The answer is summed up by this shot of my computer screen, showing the site which seems to have been increasingly the most seen on my screen over the past 75 days.
So, I really hope the team trying to put the 'rescue' together succeed. I'll do what I can to support them.
However, even if the funds are raised to take over, I'm not convinced yet that the team do have the expertise to put together a good business plan for long-term viability or that they understand enough about good 'customer' communications or basic public relations.
PS. 6 Dec: I just posted this comment on the blipfuture blip:
I asked some questions after registering. I just want to acknowledge publicly my appreciation that I received answers. That's a hell of a lot of work and commitment from the team.**❤️❤️.
I also got an undertaking that some of the info On the blipfuture site would be augmented and clarified following my suggestion it was not good enough.

These guys are really trying their best and will get it right. Support them as you can.

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