Cumbria in flood

What a dreadful day. 

With a red weather warning over pretty much the whole of Cumbria, we awoke to find the River Lyvenett running through Maulds starting to flood pretty badly. This photo was taken at about 9am. Since then the water has risen another 2 - 3 feet, flooded a number of houses along its bank and cut the village off completely. As I sit here typing this, I have water being pushed under the doors by the wind, seeping through the window heads, and it's soaked through the end wall of the house and is dripping into my study. Nothing compared to many, but a pain, nevertheless.

On top of that I had tickets to see the Stereophonics in Leeds this evening, and - of course - didn't even get out the village.

Some of the day was spent delivering sandbags to other houses in the village and offering help where possible.

As for Braithwaite - the village there is cut off, and the flooding in Keswick is worse than it was in 2009.

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