
By JillyMint

Well, will you look at that!

I've used that title before - shows how full of wonderment (is that a word?) I am.
I won't have time to explain about yesterday (maybe tomorrow...) but today has been just as frantic. I have had my head in a computer screen (not literally) for 3 days and another one is due tomorrow.
Today was the Parkinson's group newsletter and start of their website. Had a perambulation around the garden at 4pm to see what had grown since 10am (does anyone else do that?) and spotted this littel thing in the pond - a newt!! Think it's just a smooth newt but hey I've never had a newt before!! How do they get here? I'm at the top of a hill and not that much water around!
It wouldn't keep still so it isn't all there and certainly not all in focus.
Better go. Midnight is nigh and I already look like a pumpkin after sitting here for 3 days. (I know I could backblip but it isn't the same!)
Canon 1d, 180mm macro + 1.4x extender; ISO100; f/5; 1/250"

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