Displays of Light and Dark

As midwinter approaches it’s now getting really dark at the start and end of each day.  This is not entirely a bad thing. 
This morning we got up in total darkness and at 08:02, when I took this photograph light was just arriving on our south-eastern horizon. Sunrise was still 71 minutes away. The temperature was -9° C and there wasn’t a breath of wind so the world was very still and quiet.
At the other end of the day, about an hour after sunset, there was a similar glow in the sky with a low crescent moon to add a little spice.
As we drove home from work today it was completely dark and we were treated to a display of the Northern Lights.
The short days give us sunrises and sunsets at very reasonable times, and plenty of night to enjoy (occasionally) the northern lights, and (much more often) a glorious display of the Milky Way and all the other stars, galaxies and planets in the sky. 
Of course, living in the country, away from the bright lights of town and cities also helps us to enjoy the display.

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