Can't think of a pun to do with palm trees...

For some reason, somebody at the college decided it would be a good idea to to light up the palm trees outside the main ballroom.

Thought it was worth a Blip.

Request for constructive criticism

It took me a few attempts to get a decent eye-catching photo and I'm not convinced I managed it. Other ideas I tried included getting closer to the blue tree so that it took up half the frame and reducing the viewing angle so the red tree sat next to it. I went for this one though as the contextual setting made it more obvious that the trees are different colours due to lighting rather than post-production trickery. The star-shaped effect on the light swayed it too.

I left a piece of, what I thought was, constructive criticism on a journal entry the other day (I won't say who, suffice to say that I thought my opinion would be welcomed from clues given on the about page), only to have another Blipper come straight on after de-constructing what I said in what seemed to me a rather sarcastic manner (they obviously held the journal in question in very high esteem and didn't agree with me). It does seem that Blip works best when people just comment when they like something, rather than when they don't. In this respect, I guess it's easy to see if an image worked or not just by the positive response.

Anyway, I promptly took my comment off and have felt a little uneasy since. Maybe I'm just being too sensitive. It's all too easy to take things the wrong way when communicating without body language I suppose. I shall keep my non 'Amazing 5/5' opinions to myself in future.

I digress. If anyone has any ideas as to how I could have composed a more interesting image here, it would be really helpful...

...and I promise I won't get upset ;)

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