Robert Ostrochovsky

By youoregon1

Tiny Airplane

The Christmas decor is in the foreground at Bob's Red Mill restaurant. Bob retired at 81 and gave the nationally famous wholesaler and retailer of everything grain, to his employees!
The 20 foot background mural shows Bob. The middle area shows the tiny dangling plane. Continuing with my random "Twelve or more blip days before Christmas" series.

Thanks to WalkingWombat for Tiny Tuesday. Tagged TT29.

And for those interested in photography, if there are any of you out there :)
Last night's movie was "The Salt Of The Earth".
A 2014 Win Wenders wonder about the lifelong work of Brazilian photographer Sabastiao Salgado. Including stunning beauty of the planet, and humankind's atrocities. About a man who heard a calling and listened. For many decades.
Black and white photography that is recommended.

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