Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Navigational Hazards

Early start 0730
Boss puts on Acadia Jacket.
Boss grabs camera bag.
Boss kisses Bossess, goes into garage, gets into Suzz.
Boss leaves...WITHOUT me.
The Bossess explains that he is going to Queenstown for the 1000K check. Well I suppose 1000K's will buy a lot of dog food so I will just go back to bed and sulk until he comes back with the cheque and we can go to the Vets and buy it.
Anyway it appears that it was not that kind of cheque check but he had taken A of acyclinggranny and they had gone to all sorts of exciting places taking pictures (again without me), had morning tea and lunch (without me) and returned over the Crown Range (without me) so I spend my afternoon terrier...ising the neighbourhood by barking at everything that looked remotely like a dog and came anywhere within barking distance until The Bossess had had enough of that and shut the dog door so it was return to sulk time.
It's not all beer and skittles in this job you know. In fact now that I mention it I have never seen any skittles in the place AND The Boss is not all that keen on beer either.
Oh yes the picture...This is the Shotover River famous world wide 'Cos of The Shotover Jet which is a jet boat trip that runs from Queenstown to a spot down the river with exciting bits like Canyons and stuff (all perfectly safe) and exciting "Hamilton Turns" (a 180 on the spot). The turn is named after Mr Bill Hamilton who invented the Jet Boat and found how manoeuvrable it was, especially in very shallow water. Anyway the Jet was not running today 'Cos of all the ice coming down the river so plans of Blipping that, were shelved. The Boss and A were thinking of having lunch there but it looked so sad and neglected that they had crepes at Arrowtown instead. (without ME).
A ride in a jet boat is a fun thing and there are several options in the area to do that. One of my favourite ones is right here in Wanaka and actually runs up a shallow local river (The Matukituki) to a picnic spot with all the trimmings. Very authentic and professional trip.
Oh yes.... Probably no dogs allowed...Sigh

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