
A bit of a lie in catching up on the Saturday papers and then out round the old haunts of Currie and Balerno, including a call in the graveyard at Currie to see the old folks. A dreich old day, so I was happy to get back home to warm up. Though just as I’d got the slippers on I got a whistle up from AJ who was on his way to some rum tasting bash. Well, the foot of the Canongate isn’t that far out my way (ahem) so I joined him for a Goslings and a pint. The moon was coming up over the buildings opposite the Tron so here’s a shoogly shot. Then home to finish the last two episodes of 24. And address the Christmas cards. Can’t do these things too early.
Was greatly cheered by pieces about Christmas by Tim Lott and Kevin McKenna. Perhaps all us late middle aged men think the same way. I like to think so. So very very wise.

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