
By McCaviti

Orca vs Leopard Seal

Best Beloved's mother had warned me that BB had made my daughter's birthday present, a snowdome, and packed it so full of glitter it was hard to discern the scene.

I reassured her that a snowdome was one of Im's heart's desires. She sleeps with one I've been given under her pillow and has announced that within a puppy snowdome (if such a thing exists) she would find perfect happiness.

As it happened, BB's attempts to subsequently craft a puppy out of clay or find one that fitted, failed, but she couldn't imagine a better present.

However, in the space of three days she has already cherished it to breaking point, and the water is seeping out, imperceptibly but without doubt.

I thought I'd better blip it, before it loses too much more...

And now Origin is on and I have to disappear for a bit of mindless violence, along the lines of Orca vs Leopard Seal.


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